Sunday, March 29, 2015

Think over before you make over

I was really pleased to see that the British Association for Plastic and Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons or BAPRAS for short. launched their campaign, think over before you make over, and it really highlights the lack of legislation within the cosmetics industry.

It scared me to read some of the statastics about peoples views and decisions on cosmetic surgery.

"out of 2 million people considering cosmetic surgery in the uk - 25 % did not check out the surgeons credentials".- statistics from bapras

And many people are not really aware of the full impact of the procedure and how this could effect them both physically and emotionally. 

And the most shocking quote by far comes from the president of BAPRAS Nigel Mercer
"people spend more time choosing an electrician then they do a surgeon"

It is incredibly worrying that people really aren't researching clinical treatments, there really needs to be legislation and laws within the cosmetic surgery and aesthetics industry. Patients need to be educated and know the full impact, pros and cons of each procedures, its not a game of chance when having operations whether they are minor or major.

BAPRAS have put together a guide to help both professionals and clients understand procedures and advise all potential clients to research their consultant properly, to ensure they have picked the right consultant for their chosen procedure. see the link below

It is so important to do your own research, a flashy website and glossy commercial should not sway your choice, but sadly too often it clearly does.

I used to think people who chose to have cut price cosmetic procedures must be stupid, if you are paying peanuts then in all honesty what else can you expect. Since researching the cosmetic and aesthetics industry i have realised that when you truly feel that low and unconfident about yourself, it can be very easy to be tempted with these clinics, so rather then judging these individuals i hope that they can see that sometimes it best to wait then to jump in feet first.

I am aware that we now live in a society where looks do play a big part of our daily life, and it scares me to think how my daughter will cope as she grows into a teenager feeling that she needs to look perfect. But i do know that by helping to empower patients and educate them about good and bad surgery will help protect the most vulnerable of people and ensure that best medical practice and results can be received by all.

For more information about the "think over before you make over campaign" and plenty of other interesting articles related to the cosmetic industry click the link below.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Mummy Workouts- get fit in the comfort of your own home!

Toned and tight abs, a firm bottom and no sign of a bingo wing! i dont think it is a lot to ask for when it comes to getting in shape, But not all Mummys have the chance to get to an exercise class or to a gym, So when i heard about Mummy Workouts i was intrigued to see what the company was about, and did they offer anything more then a standard fitness DVD or for those who are to cheap to buy the dvd like my good self, searching you tube to find a workout that claims to be the next big fitness craze.

7:30pm on a wednesday evening, I'm ready to settle down for the evening, watch bit of telly/write up a blog post, then i remember i am booked in to a mummy workout, so a quick change of clothes, drink of water and i start to get ready for my class.

When you sign up to Mummy workouts you then select which class you would like to participate in, you are sent a link an hour before the class and then 10 minutes before you get a reminder, (this is helpful if you super scatty like me). 

not me

When i click the link a window opens and there in front of me is Tina, she welcomes me along with the other ladies and asks us to get a mat and a drink of water ready, there were 4 other ladies in my class, even though i could see them and hear them, once the workout began i didn't really know they were there, i am aware mummy workouts will shortly be updating their software so the participant will only see the teacher, (so for those of you who are a little shy don't worry)

Then Tina starts the workout and when i say workout i mean a really hard workout, i have previously had personal trainers who work me just as hard as Tina worked us. We did 3 sets of each group of exercises, from planks and press ups, sit ups and lunges (high, impact, interval, training). Tina gave us a full body workout, after 20 minutes i was sweating and my legs and abs were like jelly (i consider myself fairly fit so this is a true judge of how hard the workouts are!). But for those of you who don't think you are up to a tough session, don't worry we were all given easier options and given the chance to rest when ever we needed.

I think this is a great idea, so many woman want to get fit but don't have the time or money to go to a gym, and not forgetting the ladies that don't feel confident enough to go to a exercise class or gym, i know myself, i lost my confident a little after having my son, it really got to me when i went on a hen do when he was about 6 month old, all the other girls were slim, but i felt fat and frumpy and was desperate to loose weight and gain my confidence back.
The other bonus to the webcam workouts, is that the fitness instructor can keep an eye on you ensuring you are in the right positions and not putting yourself in danger, and the little positive comments you get while you work out help you to focus, ignore the burning pain in your legs and carry on to finish the final and hardest set of lunges!
Don't worry the price of Mummy Workouts is a fraction of what you pay for a gym membership or exercise class.

You can check out more info about Mummy Workouts on the link below have your glass of water at the ready!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Will the yummy mummy get rid of her tummy?

Product review Cosmedix - Pure Enzyme Mask

I was really excited to try the Pure Enzyme mask, as i have used Enzyme based products previously and had some really good results, as my skin cells turnover very quickly its trying to get rid of the old dull ones that is the problem!,enzymes are a great way at exfoliating without the harshness or scratch the skin, if you have spots and you scratch those spots with grit and grain exfoliants you just spread the bacteria all over the face and inflame the already inflamed spots, ( i know this from previous experience and really making quite a sore mess of my face!).

Enzymes are the packman of exfoliation they gobble up all the dead and dull skin cells and absorb them, its very clever and a great way to give your skin a real deep down clean without having to use harsh exfoliants. 

This gentle, exfoliating mask harnesses the natural power of cranberry enzymes and lactic acid to tenderly scrub away facial impurities and decongest blocked pores. As active ingredients exfoliate, protect and revitalize the skin, potent, oil-free moisturizers add a dewy softness to blemish-prone skin. - text from

Love this product i have been using it for 2 months now, once you have washed your face you apply 2 pumps to damp skin and leave on for 3-15 minutes- as i have a high tolerance to the enzyme now of course i leave mine on for the full 15 minutes! I use this twice a week, 3 times if its that time of the month.

a key product in my skincare regime!, and a must for people with congested skin.

Friday, March 06, 2015

The Yummy Mummy TV is coming

What a week!

This week i have been busy launching my You tube channel, so its taking some time to get back into the recording and setting up but I'm nearly there and look forward to posting videos from next week! 

I am really pleased to announce i will be exclusively reviewing and blogging about Neo Elegance's Neo Body contouring device which is on its way to me as we speak, the innovative team at Neo continue to strive and create devices that are easily used at home and also professional devices which can really add an extra dimension to a facial! for more info on Farrah and her company see the link below.

Face peel update

As i have been a good girl and used all the products correctly i was allowed to have big girl face peel at Skin Solutions last week- Timeless is from the tomorrow range of peels, which means you are required to do some prep work in the run up to the peel, introducing retinol is a big factor as well as 3 previous today peels, which i have had. 
The peel didn't hurt and it wasn't quite as orange as the unity peel i have previously had.
72 hours post peel
I hadn't really anticipated any problems or reactions, i naively, just assumed it would be the same as the purity peels, but my skin did have a reaction about 48 hours later, i broke out in spots all over my head, and when i say break out mean big red and sore. Dr Warner advised me this was normal and talked me through the best way to sooth and heal the breakout, 10 days post peel the spots have nearly all gone and my skin looks very clear , but i will update you next week to coincide with the launch of my you tube channel!

Have a good week end


Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Cryotherapy: The Frozen Answer to Beauty Perfection?

Monday, March 02, 2015

Treating the skin from the inside

With daily life taking its toll on our immune systems the appeal of any supplement that can help keep you topped up with all the vitamins and minerals you need seems to be a great idea, but The team at The Advanced Nutrition Programme have not only created a wellness range but also supplements that target skin care concerns.

"The Advanced Nutrition Programme™ is a premium range of supplements which support healthy skin and helps enhance your overall wellbeing. Our pharmaceutical and nutrition consultants select only the highest quality ingredients which your body can easily absorb, and our fish oils are scrupulously screened for pollutants."- text from the advanced nutrition

Can a tablet really help my skin?

I admit i am a little skeptical, I know we are always being told that certain foods are bad for you, drink plenty of water blah blah blah, But i have read some fantastic reviews and after much consideration and research decided to take the plunge and purchased Skin Accumax™ at just under £70 for a months supply it does seem expensive, but if you compare this to topical treatments such as peels and lasers it works out about the same, this is great for people who don't have time to go to salons, or would rather try something less abrasive and in the comfort of there own home. 

Whats does Skin Accumax contain?
A specific blend of vitamins with a special active nutrient compound as well as Vitamin A,C &E which are all easily absorbed into the body

Initially it is recommended you take 4 capsules a day for 14 weeks, if you are seeing improvements you can lower the dose to 2 capsules a day, which would then bring the cost down to £35 a month, once you are completely happy then you can discontinue completely.

Why am I commencing Skin Accumax?

As a teenager i had the usual spots which i grew out of, i have always suffered with oily skin but since having my 2 beautiful children (now 5 & 3 ) my skin has become more oily, congested and at times sore and red. I have tried some fantastic products which i feel have helped to relieve the spots, but wanted to really get rid of the problem altogether, i am hoping that by not only targeting the problem from the outside but treating the problem from within, my spots and oily skin will hopefully disappear.

After 1 month
I have noticed some subtle improvements:
  • Less oily
  • Not as congested
  • Breakouts not as severe
  • Spots not as angry and red 
  • Spots clear up more quickly

I will be posting monthly updates so you can follow my progress and see if you believe Skin Accumax has an effect on my skin.