Thursday, January 02, 2014

The Yummy Mummy's Christmas 2013

My Christmas was spent with these 2 angels! and i wouldn't have wanted it any other way. well a lie in would have been nice but with those excited little faces on christmas morning who could say no!

Life was hectic as usual this christmas, visiting family and trying to make the most of our time off as a family, so we did just that, bike rides, swimming, days out to keep us all occupied over the wet and miserable festive season, but i still managed to pamper myself a little, with a gel manicure and extraction facial but ill go into more detail on another of my posts about this.

And now after my break I'm back and ready to focus on cosmetics and skincare again, (however i will be giving my children a mention from time to time!).

Bad weather, bad skin?

This rain and wind don't appear to have affected my skin as they did in previous winters this year? even the central heating hasn't made my skin dry? i think this is down to my continued drinking of water and using more targeted and effective skincare, usually where i have the heating on, my skin gets dry and congested. but i do honestly think that using the right products have made a difference, and outside even in the wet and wind, my skin held up! 

Is it worth paying a bit more for a skincare product?

In my opinion i would say yes, providing IT IS RIGHT for you, and you are not just buying products because you like the pretty packaging or the free gift that comes with it, (we have all done it especially at airports). 

  • Spend the pennies wisely- if it doesn't agree with your skin, take it back companies don't want you complaining about a product they want you to rave about it!

  • Get advice - just because you are concerned about an oily forehead, doesn't mean your skins oily?a professional skincare expert will be able to tell you what your skin needs and the best way to achieve it. 

  • Stick with it - theres no point in spending £50 on a face cream and washing your face with 99p soap! or taking your make up off with baby wipes! it defeats the point and takes away all the good you have done with the cream.

Time to detox your skincare as well as your body? using these steps can really help and ensure you get what you need and not what you like!

Happy detoxing!


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